![]() Bloom filters help reduce the bandwidth requirement of "AND" queries. The gray box represents the Bloom filter F(A) of the set A. Note the false positive in the set B ^ F(A) that server sB sends back to server sA, which sA eliminates in order to send A ^ B to the client. |
Search is a fundamental part of any complete system for distributing files and resources. Opaque keys suffice as bookmarks and links, but locating unknown files by description -- e.g., based on keywords or resource metadata -- requires search. The Web's current search infrastructure is limited by its centralized design and by the pull-based nature of HTTP. The current move toward peer-to-peer systems for file distribution affords us the opportunity to improve search substantially. Where Web searching is centralized, peer-to-peer searching can be entirely distributed, and, thus, more scalable. Where Web searching depends on crawlers to discover new or updated content, a peer-to-peer search system can take advantage of explicit insert operations to build a current index of all networked content.
Recent research peer-to-peer systems, such as Chord, CAN, and Pastry, perform mappings from keys to locations in an entirely distributed manner but provide no search capability. A search system developed for peer-to-peer systems should itself be distributed, for many of the same reasons: availability, scalability, and load balancing. One way to build a distributed search system is to use an inverted index with keywords evenly distributed among available servers. The primary challenge in doing so is minimizing the bandwidth required to perform multiple-keyword searches.
We have designed a distributed inverted index, with particular emphasis on three techniques to minimize the bandwidth used during multiple-keyword searches: Bloom filters, caching, and incremental results. Bloom filters are a compact representation of membership in a set, eliminating the need to send entire document match lists among servers. Caching reduces the frequency with which servers must transfer the Bloom filters. Incremental results allow search operations to halt after finding a fixed number of results, leaving the cost of searching proportional to the number of documents returned rather than to the total number of documents in the system.
We have performed simulations to explore how the system works in practice. We used a 1.85 GB document set and a 10-day search trace from the web to investigate word appearance and search frequencies. Word appearance and search frequencies are roughly Zipf-distributed. The average number of words searched for is 2.53, and 71.5% of all searches involved two or more keywords. We simulated several refinements to the basic protocol, including eliminating the false-positive removal step, using Bloom filters more selectively, using larger-than-optimal Bloom filters, and having the client orchestrate the entire search before contacting any servers.