Internet Systems and Storage Group
Software architectures for scalable wide-area systems
Duke Computer Science

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(Tunable Availability and Consistency Tradeoffs)

An ultimate goal for modern Internet services is the development of scalable, high-performance, highly-available and fault-tolerant systems. Replication (caching as a special case) is a key approach to achieve this goal. However, because of wide-area latency, potential Internet congestion/failures and the inherent overhead associated with strong consistency, a naive replication system may actually decrease rather than increase performance and availability. Given such duality, the practical use of replication in the Internet has been much hindered by the lack of appropriate models and realistic experiences. We believe that WAN applications can benefit much more from replication than using today's replication techniques. In particular, we argue that Internet services can benefit from dynamically choosing consistency/performance and consistency/availability tradeoffs, based on client, service and network characteristics. Within this context, our TACT project has made the following contributions:

Conit-based Continuous Consistency Model

In today's world, system consistency is typically defined as a switch.  Either the system provides strong consistency with reduced performance/availability, or the system provides weaker consistency (e.g., through optimistic replication) with a higher level of system performance/availability.







However, for many WAN applications, consistency is continuous rather than binary. For example, for better performance and availability, an airline reservation system may be willing to tolerate 1% reservation conflicting rate. In general, specifying higher consistency will result in lower performance/availability.  One desirable feature of TACT is the ability to dynamically trade consistency for availability (and performance) in response to current system, network, and client characteristics.  For example, requests from preferred clients may be guaranteed higher consistency.  As another example, an airline reservation system may gradually increase consistency as the number of available seats on a flight decreases.

The first step in TACT is to conceptually turn the binary consistency switch into a knob. However, consistency semantics are highly application-dependent. Thus, in the consistency model, we must allow the application to export its specific semantics and quantify its own consistency. The concept of conit serves as a carrier for such application consistency semantics and is key to our continuous consistency model. Conceptually, a conit is a logical consistency unit. Different from most consistency models, applications impose consistency requirements on conits rather than physical data items in our model. The consistency level of each conit is define using a simple, spanning-set of metrics: Numerical Error, Order Error and Staleness. Our paper in ICDCS'01 concentrates on our abstract conit-based continuous consistency model and its generality and practicality. The journal version (TOCS'02) of the paper discusses the model more deeply.

Design, Implementation and Performance Evaluation of the TACT Toolkit

To demonstrate the feasibility of our model and evaluate its performance, we implemented the TACT toolkit for WAN replication and three sample applications (Airline Reservation, Bulletin Board and QoS Load Distribution) using the toolkit. First, We designed a family of protocols to enforce numerical error bound (see our VLDB2000 paper). Order error and staleness are bound using modified versions of existing protocols. We deployed the prototype in Berkeley, Utah and Duke and evaluated its performance. The system architecture of the prototype and performance results are available in our OSDI2000 paper.

Availability Upper Bounds vs. Achieved Availability under Continuous Consistency

To fully understand the effects of continuous consistency on system availability, we deploy our prototype on eight WAN sites and measure the availability of the bulletin board application through a multi-day period. Using emulation, we are able to inject faultloads into the system and measure the achieved availability of various consistency protocols under various replication and failure conditions. We also theoretically derive tight upper bound on system availability as a function of consistency, workload and faultload. Such upper bounds allow us to argue about the absolute merits of various consistency protocols. These results are published in SOSP'01.

Optimal Replica Placement For Availability

We have extended our availability upper bound theory so that it can compute the optimal replica placement for best system availability given a particular consistency level. The new theory also allows replicas to be disabled to allow progress in other partitions. The complete theory is available in PODC'02.

More detail is available from the following:

Updated June, 2003.